

Control Devices Stand

GENERAL TURBO is equipped with a device control stand within the Assembly Workshop, that can support tests and checks of the turbines with power ranging from 1-1000 MW.

  • Control devices stand. On this stand the following operations can be made:

    • Actuators driven by oil for CV (control valves) high steam inlet, medium and low pressure;
    • Actuators driven by oil ESV (emergency stop valve);
    • Actuators driven by oil for regulator valves- gland steam, overflow;
    • Hydraulic amplifier, isolation and protection slide, converters, elecrohydraulics, etc. (all these are driven by hydraulic oil);
    • Over speed tripping with a speed up to 4 500 rpm and maximum weight of 80 kg;
    • Over speed tripping with speed up to 3 000 rpm and maximum weight of 200 kg;
    • Different hydraulic oil applications (debit measurements, pressures, temperatures, etc. )
    • Actuators actionated by water of pressures and small flows.